

Write for 30 days update 1

Day 10

I have mostly cleaned out my draft pages. Many of my drafts were simple titles that at one point in time seemed like a good idea. When I went to edit the post to update it I found that the actual body of the text was empty. 
St. Augustine writing, revising, and re-writin...
St. Augustine writing, revising, and re-writing: Sandro Botticelli's St. Augustine in His Cell (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Apparently at one point in time, I had plenty of grand ideas about professional topics to write about. 

Now, for some of them I recognize the title looks interesting, but I don't have the whole thought stream recorded. 

So in the future when I get an idea, I will write more than just a title for a draft. 

Chances are it will need plenty of editing, sources cited, etc... 

But writing more than just the title will get it that much closer to pushing the publish button. 

The first book I ever wrote I ended up summarizing in draft form on this blog, and over the next 20 days I will push out that content. 

I no longer do on a daily basis what I did when I wrote that content, but I still think the content is valid and noteworthy.  I will be sharing it with the world, nevertheless.

Are you writing? 

How is it going? 

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